Monday, March 14, 2011

hey :)

So let me describe this place to you. All very woody and serene, large, (mahogany? My stuck-in-austens-britain head would want to think so) desks, totally minus the cubiclish feel – I mean even the tall, stately 5’2” me can manage seeing everyone around if I only straighten my spinal and cervical cords a little. And we have nice drawers and shelves and soft boards – ergonomically designed, to this place’s credit. The masters who delegate and ‘manage’, more simply put, the ones almost OCDish about meetings and emails and follow ups, have their own cabins – the medium of serving tea (chotus cutting chai glasses / paper cups / elegant china) and size appropriately proportional to how much more of delegation and less of follow-upping comprises their day.The rest is pretty much the stuff you’d find in every ‘office’, my small and sturdy knight in a dark and shining armour, 24*7 to my rescue from the proverbial damsels distress (read: bouts of sleepiness or just plain boredom), gurgling coffee, tea, cream and milk at my stodgy, nail-less fingers hitting a button. And a bright and dangerously ‘inviting’ conference room, infamous for its nice soporific sessions or the ones where your pitiful target, the supposed root cause of everything that’s gone wrong, is made to regret the day he was born. Ok ofcourse some very intellectual and insightful brainstorming too, now that I’m here :P Oh and how could I forget – we have this santa-persona-alike here, who goes around with glasses of chai along with ‘pudis’ – some chutter putter finger food, all mysteriously wrapped in paper. So you need to ask to find out what’s inside, with your heart pulsating erratically in anticipation, till he reveals the magical contents of the cute li’l pudi. Totally a bidaily routine that keeps a lot of us going :)Life has changed in a looooooot of ways – very good, good, ok, bad, very bad. And you’ll find out about all of that because writing makes me happy – and that is for keeps, that’s never changing. Feels all out of touch, though. I wonder why I didn’t, so long. Don’t want to be wondering this ever again, I’m so going to keep at this :)Omg i’m in office on a Monday morning trying to blog and poof away the gray.. qualms and guilt tons of nautical miles from here.. I can’t see them :) And before you guys start tch tching at how irresponsible all this sounds, ok so I’m an intern here working on a project that for now is standing very very still. And I get the feeling a little while of not putting my brilliant mind to work here will not exactly ruin the show :P


  1. Nice one!Is this the Airoli one u re talking about? I can totally imagine the excitement when Santa uncle comes with pudis btw :)

  2. Nice one,indeed! :) And noone's gonna be tch-tching cuz it sounds irresponsible! Guess all of us can relate to those bouts of guilt trips on the web-u know,office usage ones!
    Your writings do reveal one thing for sure! That you do not stem the flow of your thoughts :P Which very much is in line with the purpose of writing : Uninterrupted as against speech...
    Keep the posts coming! :)

  3. Okay, this blog looks different. At least, from when I came here last ... reflection of the life that has changed in a looooooot of ways? :)

  4. Good 'work' !!! - all puns intended :D

  5. hmm...u can try writing a buk on dis nxt ;)

  6. thank u ppl!
    @latika - no not airoli.. the other one is wat i had in mind but uncle santa n chai in airoli too :)

    @ghushe - haha yea cud be!! :)

  7. and the last few lines... lovely :)
    Life has changed in a looooooot of ways – very good, good, ok, bad, very bad. And you’ll find out about all of that because writing makes me happy – and that is for keeps, that’s never changing.
