Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hope somebody gives this some thought.
Five things we ought to consider–
Introspect – No alternative here. And yea introspection does throw up surprises. We hardly ever know why we do what we do. The following-the-herd syndrome is synonymous with living life on Mr.X’s terms. Makes no sense, an absolute disgrace to us human beings, supposedly endowed with enough intellect so as to analyse objectivism and invent the beer widget. So once we spend some time finding out what WE’re like, we figure out what WE want to do, hence a step closer to being happy.

NOW, NOW, NOW!! – So much more easily said than done. Procrastination – voluntary, involuntary, subconsciously, all the time, at times – is more like the order of the day now. Hardly anyone who’s not faced with the ordeal of having to resort to postponing something or the other. The fact that we’re growing immune to how this “ummm…some other time..” is merrily eating away into the hundred odd pleasures and opportunities life has to offer, is Painful. We first begin with letting the gravity of this situation sink in. And then try and understand how if we want to do something and have the chance to, we do it now. Life’s too complicated, uncertain and short for these ‘second’ chances to come our way.

A list of all that largely matters in life. And it’s statistically proven we take 85% of those for granted. Relationships, family, friends, small pleasures, hobbies and interests, several more, all blend in and help make life meaningful. Let this sink in, and then go ahead ensure you’re not barricaded from all these, thanks to the cloak of ‘workaholism’ or plain laziness.

Have deep, meaningful conversations once in a while. The fun, gossip and superficial, light hearted banter that’s in the air, naturally and befittingly so, when a group of friends or relatives meet up, is a stress buster, undeniably. But the good old discussions about choices, morality, altruism, self interest, the big murky question marks and crossroads in life, and tons of other aspects of life, have not lost their relevance at all. These help engender bonds and have an ‘endorphinic’ effect on people (again, statistically proven).

Be yourself. This is certainly the easiest of them all. Effortless, and with guaranteed high returns. Being confident, assured, not a ‘social metaphysician’…living up, is the way to be be :)